A political Blog about how and why a reign of terror in West Bengal is unleashed planfully by imperialists, multinational company financed and supported Rainbow Alliance of Maoists, Naxalites,TMC, Congress, SUCI, perverted anti-Communist and anti-Leftist so-called sold-out intellectuals, corporate media and NGOs of doubtful character. Source: 'People's Democracy', 'Ganashakti' and other Left oriented journals.
The Party Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), which met in Kolkata on January 15-16, 2011 has issued the following statement forthcoming Assembly Elections in West Bengal and Kerala
The Polit Bureau heard reports of the preparations for the assembly elections in the four states of West Bengal, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Assam and the Union Territory of Pondicherry. The state committees of the concerned states will be meeting shortly to finalise the arrangements for fighting the elections.
Courtesy: www.pd.cpim.org/